Chicago Innovation Blog

Blue Sky Innovation: AI won’t kill you, but ignoring it might kill your business, experts say

by | Mar 3, 2017

Relax. Artificial intelligence is making our lives easier, but won’t be a threat to human existence, according to panel of practitioners in the space.

“One of the biggest misconceptions today about autonomous robots is how capable they are,” said Brenna Argall, faculty research scientist at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, during a Chicago Innovation Awards event Wednesday.

“We see a lot of videos online showing robots doing amazing things. What isn’t shown is the hours of footage where they did the wrong thing,” she said. “The reality is that robots spend most of their time not doing what they’re supposed to be doing.”

The event at Studio Xfinity drew about 200 people, who mingled among tech exhibits before contemplating killer robot overlords.

Innovation expo to be held in Chicago

Innovation expo to be held in Chicago

An event named The Innovators’ Guide to Chicago will take place next month at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Luke Tanen — president and CEO of Chicago Innovation — joins the Noon Business Hour.

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Here’s who won big at the 2022 Chicago Innovation Awards

This year’s Chicago Innovation Awards highlight how the city’s tech and startup scene is not as much the boys club that it used to be. Mayor Lori Lightfoot alluded to as much in her opening address, highlighting that of the 21 winners at Wednesday night’s awards, 11 were women-led businesses and nine were founded by people of color.