Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI)

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The Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI) leads a research vision and dynamic
research network that is establishing best practices for the evaluation, design, and development of
machine intelligence that is safe, equitable, and beneficial. CASMI is a collaboration with the UL
Research Institutes' Digital Safety Research Institute, building on UL’s mission to create a safer, more
secure and sustainable world. CASMI supports a range of activities, including research at Northwestern
and other institutions, workshops designed to define questions about metrics and approaches to
application, exploratory projects designed to identify pressing problems in the space of digital safety,
and discussions and events aimed at informing the public. CASMI was founded as a Research Hub that
supports its own research initiatives at Northwestern while also supporting and coordinating work at
other institutions to bring multidisciplinary expertise to bear on difficult research problems. The
Research Hub’s goal is to connect, coordinate, and consolidate the work by articulating the state of the
research in the space and a vision for a research roadmap.