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Give a kid a computer, and the boy or girl will play with it all day. Teach the kids to code, and they’ll build a business, an industry, a future. That’s the plan at Codeverse, a Chicago-based studio-school that immerses youngsters aged 6-to-13 years old in a creative environment packed with drones, robots, 3D printers, lasers, lights and games. During week-long camps in three locations, Codeverse youngsters learn the fundamentals of coding, peaking their interest in the devices around them and untethering their creativity. But because six year-olds find adult codes such as Visual Basic and Python too complicated, Codeverse developed its own code language, KidScript, created specifically for early learners. KidScript is an approachable language that replaces unnecessary complexities in adult codes with an easy-to-read, easy-to-write syntax. Says Co-Founder Katy Lynch, “It includes all the key concepts of programming and enables untethered creativity.” The company received a $10 million venture investment in August.