Cummins Allison

Execution time: 0.0004 seconds

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Cummins Allison’s JetScan iFX® i100 Currency, Check and Ticket Scanner is the only multi-document device that simplifies and streamlines transaction handling in the financial, retail and gaming industries. It features high speed, high quality image processing that automates both cash and check deposit processing, eliminating manual entry, minimizing errors and reducing fees. Casinos can use the same device to process tickets, as well as cash and checks, to increase productivity and reduce cost. The i100 processes and images bills at an industry-leading 1600 per minute, checks at 400 per minute and casino tickets at 1200 per minute – reducing employee overtime, equipment costs, charges to depositors and operating expenses across multiple business environments.